Friday, September 9, 2016

Kawasaki Japan said China copied the bullet train technology Japan Daily Press

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Kawasaki Japan said China copied bullet train technology.
China house was busy creating a high-speed train network in recent years, buying the high-speed rail technology HSR rail global innovators, such as Germany, France and Japan as great trains to market the world to set up what is now the largest HSR network in the world the technology transfer agreement with Japanese failed rail giants Kawasaki Heavy Industries KHI was such an agreement, an agreement the Japanese now regret as they say that Chinese engineers have stolen bullet train technology and are about people selling cheap.
KHI are ball the legendary manufacturers now Japan, or Shinkansen a world leader in the fastest, safest, and large the most efficient speed for KHI Trains has signed a technology transfer agreement with CSR Sifang, China HSR impressive network of manufacturers, with the agreement that the use of China plans to develop high-speed rail cars would be limited to domestic applications we didn t think it n ' was risky, KHI Harada Takuma, who worked on China's cooperation, said, but we took the project because the terms and conditions of technology transfer should have been mandatory We had a legal agreement; we felt safe, Takuma added But the agreement seemed to have the opposite effect on KHI in the worst way possible, as today China is now ready to take advantage of the technology KHI argues that not only China copy the technology they have recently patented high-speed rail remarkably similar CSR Sifang HSR technology now wants to sell their new trains in the world as Chinese suitor.
form the European and Japanese makers are now set as a upped by the Chinese, because they will sell their HSR technology to relatively cheaper in Japan, the price would be the lowest on the market before that will now undercutting the CSR in selling their trains almost 50 cheaper Chinese authorities see no problem with their end Beijing says China has developed its own HSR technology digestion Japanese and German technology and do better in fact, a spokesman Ministry of Railways recently asked if trains were simple knock-offs he asserted that China HSR well above the Shinkansen in Japan, he said that two trains can not be mentioned in the same breath .
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Australia and Thailand prefer cheap Japanese technology.

Japan copied everyone before he innovated cars, electronics, etc. This is normal for all developing countries.
It is actually a cultural trend and is considered good, respectful thing and the right to earn respect as a master to apprentice is common in Asia; Copy learn, refine and improve Japanese, Kaizen 改善.
It is also an environment where resources are scarce and precious and can not be wasted, skipping into the deep would be considered too risky and potentially too wasteful and selfish.
You see this as refinement of Japanese goods They're wonderful, and a different quality of modern Chinese products, for example.
They work and they break t just that they are doing exactly what one would then expect, on top, there is a kind of delicacy, whether the aesthetic look and feel, the quality of packaging upper and sales service.
In 2003, Japan Railway reported that the average time train arrival, the entire length of the island, was 0 or 1 minutes 6 seconds, as scheduled.

The ancient Chinese had the same skills, but after the Communist era, they simply use slave labor who hate the Party, hunting cheap money by selling garbage abroad now.
The ancient Chinese had the same skills, but after the Communist era, they simply use slave labor who hate the party, chasing money by selling cheap garbage abroad now.
Most of your comments, I agree with you on the copy and the improvement that Japan had made Japan began with the same concept and their initial products manufactured were cheap and of poor quality, but improves over time perhaps for a period of 30 years Chinese manufacturing started it 30 years ago, first the product was substandard, but in recent years it has produced high quality products You have also agreed the majority of the world-known brands, including Japanese cars are made in China, even if they use no Chinese cheap labor, but the quality of products coming out of the lines approved by foreign companies All Chinese attempts to make a living, even if it is low wages, but in the end there is a better job then being unemployed and have to sleep along the streets you deve z seeing this scene in Japan where jobless sleep and homeless in a card slot of the card along the street, but carefully aligned and also you must have read one news report about the high unemployment in some European countries.
So please sit down and have a sense of progress and how the similarity of China's progress in Japan and the speed of progress in a short period of 30 years to reach a state where it is now, this progress could have taken Japan and Western countries much longer to achieve.
Believe me Redcliff, I am fully in favor of human rights and Chinese workers and dismayed by sweatshops, and shortcuts fact, even if the factories in China produce high-end products for foreign companies, such controversies on Foxconn and Apple I would have thought were among the best companies.

I do not blame the Chinese people, however, I blame the middle class and leadership cynically to exploit workers and consumers to use once and throw breaking products.
And, of course, you are right to draw attention to Japan's entry to manufacturing standards in Japan that makes all the usual accusations and the latest state-sanctioned riots and attacks against them even more upset corporations.
Is China has increased so quickly without the support of Japan Non Japanese model of development has been well studied and copied in Asia.
With Japan, I think you have two cases prewar Meiji and Edo early post-war The beginning of the postwar period was, as you know, quite horrible Japan itself literally pulled rubble and ashes and, in my estimation, had quite deliberately been cheap studio United States in the same way that China is now he suffered another way, you may not know, for example, metals, it came with the US were cheap and of a lower quality, hence the bad reputation much of it produced in the early days.

I could also make strong criticism on how small farmers are exploited by big business in Japan, however, Japan is known to have something special in the department of aesthetic value and I think the reason is Edo period 250 years where his attentions turned away from the constant warring and waste which, for example, China was suffering, peace and aesthetic and cultural developments.
I think everyone would find hard to criticize this view.
Does China have the same cultural DNA Sá more difficult question to answer, I do not think now I think the communists stamped out it s intellectuals, artists, religious etc. too hard and that you now have copies made Japan I think Japan and, to a lesser extent Taiwan, China still leads culturally example now.
As the examples given Adam, and events such as school buildings that collapsed in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, China is now synonymous with cheap, dangerous and toxic in Japan with e g the problems of adulterated food production.
I am concerned that the anti-cultural revolution of Mao killed too DNAs right and what China did not have what was good, such as its integrated and sustainable community farm life, its industry is being destroyed as well the environment because they hunt Yen Dollars and American consumers.
My God, I'm impressed, this is the first time you don t distort history.

But remember the Japanese success was under the shadow of defeat and humiliation Although Japan was in rock gardens, it still has the know hows.
humans tend to live the easy life, the younger generation can t longer bear the difficulties and pressure.
China learns quickly and the younger generation is ambitious and well-educated, Greater Beijing, Shanghai and Pearl Delta can already match all of Japan's unskilled workers can be trained as Foxconn s.
Do not forget China has a vast innerland, young people who grew up there even more hard work and strive for success.
I must make a complaint to my compatriots in mainland China Why are you so narrow-minded to not let these brilliant Chinese singers from Taiwan to win the championship because I'm the singer.
It has been said 300 million people watched the majority of Taiwanese final competition are fascinated by the quality of the program and many like me don t like the voters of the unjust mainland.

I'm not the right wing and have no idea that the United States, apparently secretly intended to do with the Japanese right wing.
What the United States did do was build right LDP and other not only empowering but his criminal ties to the Yakuza.
The Japanese were worse off because of it since.
Japan has quickly become the Asian center after the war and I agree that it is now sinking, and Germany has become the engine of Europe, is a reflection of the spirit of the people, no matter how politicians have exploited and used.

If you do know, Prussia Germany had a strong influence on the early development of modern Japan and a modern German influence on Japan would actually be a good thing, it would make more efficient Japanese industry and improve the rights of workers.
Japan is very adept at taking other cultural DNA, adopting to adapt and then applying and improving on it is an art in itself it.
Then it works exceptionally hard and consider others.
First, you have attracted your agreement to my comment earlier that Japan was in a similar situation after World War II that China opened first in the world in the 1970's in your reference to post status war Japan.

Second, the princely group is the one who washed their elders in building their personal wealth at the expense of their parents and not the middle class In fact, the middle class is an important factor for investors remained in China, including the Japan.
I'm not one who always favor what happened in China There are questions that leaders must put in more effort to solve such as pollution, corruption, city and town planning policies and also the system legal needs amendment These questions are not just China gaps they are also common to some of the world for example, the case of Fukushima is a great example of poor management positions from government and mismanagement of funds dedicated to the project of the collapse of China's school building showed a disregard for building regulations by some manufacturers do not rely on one or a handful of accidence and to draw the conclusion that the whole industry is built on sandy soil or a government is incompetent Far from it the construction industry in China and its expertise is very high level If you have different long travel and visit parts of China, where development has taken place, you will be surprised by their technical construction more commercial and hospitality 5 star accommodation examples are the international standard I went to the 5 star hotel in Osaka and also in Shanghai and I found equivalent.
Chinese are very hard people work if they are Chinese or National Oversea Chinese Regardless who is the head of this Chinese era will always rise to the occasion and make good use of what is available and to live what is the DNA in all Chinese.
China would develop an industrial era was the similarity of Britain during its industrial revolution that time environmental Britain was also very dirty and cheap labor and age were employed such is the development, but later, Britain moved to a more industry service and improving the environment and people live took place, I believe that China is gradually opening its financial sector in the future improves Britain did.

No country can reach its peak or a nation be ahead with all social amenities and practices that we expect, but over time China to feed and housed February 1 to March 1 billion people is not this task population is more than the sum total of Japan, USA, Korea and Britain should give credit to all results and does not include other work in progress in other areas this does little over 30 years to reach there are many foreign investors have invested in China has contributed to China's development but also requires diligence on the part of China in economic management and improvement of living standards, the economy and wealth comes with an improvement in military custody safe interest, like the United States and also in Japan so it would not be fair to point fingers that the military of China ed rise must be contained, but we must accept that the country is inevitable drumming noises are mainly for personal interest Tell me what Asian countries are now building their military strength s, every nation Asian nations such as Vietnam, the Philippines and Japan use the rise of China to get the support of the United States and the US objective costume move in Asia this because of the increasing tension around this region there several years this part of the region was peaceful until the presense of the United States, even after the first part of Japan Treaty of US alliance in stone, it does not offend any waves up that the last two years.
As a country known for building quality products and sustainable security, I am sure that China's bullet trains wil be just as good as their Japanese counterparts.

Kawasaki Japan said China copied the bullet train technology Japan Daily Press, Japan, Kawasaki said.