Saturday, May 5, 2018

YT Capra owner 261 Forum Pinkbike

Revolution Bike Freeride Park Trail (HD) YT Capra - July15

Hi my cassette body ended it's life 3 fins have caught someone can tell me witch I can buy this line intersects on and are a much better quality than the crap that came with my bike Thanks woody Capra comp 1 green 1 E thirteen wheels.
When you say 3 fin emerged what do you mean by fins.
I had problems with my free hub, I was talking to e13 the hive and they admitted there were some problems and they kindly sent a service kit containing Friday received new ratchets, new springs pawl new levels, new seals and a small bottle of self-lubricating hub No consolation for the problems I've had, but good service to the equally I managed customer to keep things rolling with the old free up center 'now with regular ccm so will wait until it die completely before installing the new parts.
Sorry, I did not know the correct Turm is the 3 springs that push ratchets Do you have a contact number or the person you Delt with so I can get in touch with them thanks.
There was a lot of pawl springs made from the wrong material apparently resembles yours are of this lot.
I dealt with a guy called Sebastian but I first contacted ago technical support in Europe by email If you look and click Support and then click the contact there is a link to technical support in Europe if you can t find the email address must be that I just e-mailed a description of the problems I was having with the free hub and simply asked for spare parts to fix it, I put on thick and said bearings were almost killed aswell and I got a whole new updated bearings aswell I had to send a peak freehub bit so they can identify the exact version of the hub so I suggest I send some photos with your initial email.

When you say 3 fin emerged what do you mean by fins.
I had problems with my free hub, I was talking to e13 the hive and they admitted there were some problems and they kindly sent a service kit containing Friday received new ratchets, new springs pawl new levels, new seals and a small bottle of self-lubricating hub No consolation for the problems I've had, but good service to the equally I managed customer to keep things rolling with the old free up center 'now with regular ccm so will wait until it die completely before installing the new parts.
Sorry, I did not know the correct Turm is the 3 springs that push ratchets Do you have a contact number or the person you Delt with so I can get in touch with them thanks.
There was a lot of pawl springs made from the wrong material apparently resembles yours are of this lot.
I dealt with a guy called Sebastian but I first contacted ago technical support in Europe by email If you look and click Support and then click the contact there is a link to technical support in Europe if you can t find the email address must be that I just e-mailed a description of the problems I was having with the free hub and simply asked for spare parts to fix it, I put on thick and said bearings were almost killed aswell and I got a whole new updated bearings aswell I had to send a peak freehub bit so they can identify the exact version of the hub so I suggest I send some photos with your initial email.

I've forwarded your comments through our QM Personally, I have not received feedback like yours where we could suggest that there is something wrong in general.
But as exceptionally good will, we will send you a new shift cable guide to prevent an outcome for the future, I strengthen this sector slightly with something like tape.
Daniel Customer Service Fon 0 49 9191 736305 0 0 49 55 Fax 9191 736 305 Web Mail.

YT Capra owner 261 Pinkbike Forum Capra, Europe technical support, aswell almost dejected, almost aswell updated shot.