Friday, May 11, 2018

Autoworld recycling steel

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Steel importance in automotive We rely on cars to transport us from one place to We also rely on cars to protect us Fortunately automakers rely on steel to protect their customers In addition to its strength , durability and reliability, steel is recyclable and contains recycled steel.
Automotive recycling efforts are the most recycled consumer product Each year, the steel industry recycles more than 14 million tons of steel of end of life vehicles, which equates to nearly 13 5 million Car When comparing the amount of steel recycled automobiles each year the amount of steel used to produce new vehicle this year, auto maintain a recycling rate of nearly 100 percent.

Recycled content of motor weight, the typical passenger car consists of about 65 percent steel and iron of the steel used in car bodies is made with approximately 25 percent recycled steel internal Many steel and iron pieces are made using percentages even higher recycled steel All steel products contain recycled steel as steel scrap is a necessary ingredient in the production of new steel scrap steel is not derived only automobiles, but also steel cans, appliances and building materials.
The recycling of old cars Cars bases are generally transported to an auto wrecker, where reusable parts are removed After removing the reusable parts and other items such as batteries, tires and fluids, prisons are generally shipped to scrap processors where they weighed for payment landed in a scrap yard, cars entering the mill the grinding process, which generally manages a car every 45 seconds generates three iron and steel flow; non-ferrous metal; and fabric plush, rubber, glass, etc. The iron and steel are magnetically separated from other recycled materials and iron and steel is then sent to end markets or steel mills where it is recycled to produce a new steel.
Benefits to the environment recycling steel saves energy and natural resources The US steel industry alone can save each year the equivalent energy to power about 18 million homes for a year Recycling one ton of steel retains 1134 kg of iron ore, 635 kg of carbon and 54 kg of limestone.
This informative document, published by the Steel Recycling Institute, outlines the methods used to produce steel in North America today, and describes inherent recycled steel content Although its facts and statistics are specific to the market north US, provides valuable information on today's steel recycling practices.

Contemporary technologies produce steel in two ways, both require old steel to new 1 oxygen furnace BOF process uses 25 to 35 percent old steel to make new It makes products such that automobile bumpers, encasements refrigerators and packaging such as soup cans, five-gallon buckets and 55 gallons drums whose main characteristic is required stretchability; 2 The electric arc furnace EAF process uses more than 80 percent old steel to make new It produces products such as structural beams, steel plates and rebar whose main characteristic is required force .
Many are surprised to learn that steel is the world s and, most recycled material in North America and the United States alone, nearly 73 tons of steel million was recycled or exported for recycling in 2006 This is done for economic and environmental reasons it is always cheaper to recycle steel than to mine virgin ore and move through the new steel manufacturing process, however, we must also understand that many steel applications are durable, and even if two out of three pounds of new steel are produced from old steel, the fact that cars, appliances and bridges last longer, it is necessary to keep me virgin ore to complete the production of new steel.
Economic expansion at national and international level, creates additional demand that can not be fully met by scrap supply available Unlike other competing industries, the recycled content in the steel industry is second nature L north American steel industry has been recycling of steel scrap for over 160 years due to the growth of 1800 scrap processors and some 12500 dismantlers Many of them have been in business for over 100 years.
The pre-consumer and post-consumer recycled content of total US steel products can be determined for the 2006 calendar year using the information of the American Institute of iron and AISI, the Institute recycling scrap ISRI Industries, and the US Geological survey in addition, a study prepared for the AISI by William T Hogan, SA and Frank T Koelble Fordham University is used to set the fractions before and after consumption purchased scrap.
Individual business statistics are not applicable or instructive because of the ability to Open loop recycling the steel and iron industries benefit, with generally available scrap from the nearest smelter This recycling loop open allows, for example, to melt an old car to produce a new soup can, then, like the new soup is recycled, it is melted to produce a new car, an apparatus, or may be a beam used to repair structural part of the Golden Gate bridge.

If you want to know more, click above the attached file.

Auto World Steel Recycling, world automotive steel recycling.

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