Saturday, September 24, 2016

Dear natural gas US UK France Germany and Japan s price relative collective energy

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Dear natural gas in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany and Japan Compared prices.
In the last month, the 6 major utilities in the UK have increased the price of natural gas and electricity prices by 8-11 These prices had already doubled in the last decade people are not happy.
The leader of the opposition Labor Party, Ed Miliband, scored huge political points by proposing a price freeze largely impassable John Major, the former Conservative prime minister, blind sided by calling his party a duty on profits exceptional support to the winter fuel payments and the Big 6 energy companies are now less popular than the big banks, which is really unpopular.
For the poorest families the price increases are grim news, but how much is natural gas in the UK compared with other countries.
In the table below we compare the average price of natural gas for households in the US, UK, France, Germany and Japan over the past decade, the units are cents per kWh using the average exchange rate for that year.

Take a look at the price of natural gas in Japan, and you will quickly understand why they lead the world in developing fuel cells and heat pumps.
You can clearly see the blue line how natural gas prices in the UK have increased over the last decade in local prices have doubled in real terms since 2005.
As late as 2003, the UK was still a net exporter of natural gas at only 10 years later, we import more than 50 of the gas we use over 20 is piped from Norway, 10 channeled Country over there and another 20 coming in the form of LNG liquefied natural gas from Qatar Our increasing exposure to tighter LNG markets in recent years has been a key factor in the rise in natural gas prices.
To make a comparison between the more reflective prices in these 5 countries, it is useful to convert prices using PPP power parity.
Using the power purchase conversions, we record levels of fluctuating prices in each country relative to the US The picture is largely the same, but the shape of the curves are a little more sense.
The similarity of price changes between the UK, France and Germany are obvious They are each competing for the imports of similar gas When considering that the taxes are 5 prizes in the UK, 16 of french prices and 24 of the German prices, this table makes a lot of sense.

The history of the United States is well known, so I won t too rehash here Net imports of natural gas in the US decreased by half since 2005, and exposure to liquefied natural gas has fallen due the rise of shale gas That gave the US remarkably cheap gas relative to many of its OECD peers.
When I look at the price of Japanese natural gas I wonder if Americans really appreciate how cheap energy is Japan produces almost no natural gas and is the world's largest tax LNG importer is just 5 price Since the closure nuclear power plants following Japan needs Fukishima more LNG for power generation This has lowered the price even higher.
If at any time this winter you start feeling sorry for yourself about how your expensive natural gas, please spare a thought for the Japanese.
The winter fuel bill for American homes using natural gas last year was 598 in Japan that the gas would have cost $ 2,500.
LEDs have the same threat as solar and net metering for the utility's rate-setting legal battle is joined on the Clean Power Plan, and in the EEA Paris Thick of It can be a key step for Stimulating Creative Destruction transforming how we use energy.

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Scott Edward Anderson is a consultant, blogger and media commentator who blogs at The Green Skeptic Plus.

Christine Hertzog is a consultant, author, and a professional explainer focused on Smart Grid Plus.
Elias Hinckley is a strategic advisor on the financing of energy and energy policy for investors, energy companies and governments more.
Gary Hunt Gary is an Executive in Residence at Deloitte Investments with extensive experience in the industry of energy utilities more.
Jesse Jenkins is a graduate student and researcher at MIT with expertise in energy technology, policy and innovation more.
Jim Pierobon helps NGOs professional associations, government agencies and businesses to communicate on clean energy solutions and more.

Geoffrey Styles is Managing Director of GSW Strategy Group, LLC and an award-winning blogger Plus.

Dear natural gas US UK France Germany and Japan prices Compared Collective, expensive, natural, France, Germany.
