Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Recycling in Japan Appropedia The sustainability wiki

Bea Johnson: "Zero Waste Home" | Talks at Google

Japan has probably the best recycling system in the world This is due to recent laws passed to encourage citizens and businesses to actively participate in recycling In Japan, 50 of all solid waste is recycled, however, U S recycles only 30.
60 of the total municipal solid waste is Japan Containers and Packaging Consequently Japan has enacted the containers and packaging This law is relatively simple, it simply promotes the efficient use of recycled containers and packaging There is glass containers , cardboard boxes and all the different metallic substances that beverages and foods are sold can think like a mandatory recycling program and the result is a 100 beverage can recycling rate.
In April 2001, Japan enacted the Home Appliance Recycling Law aims to promote recycling of useful pieces of equipment and to reduce the amount of unwanted appliances in landfills The law requires that customers pay costs recycling when disposing of household appliances, retailers Resume retirement of devices and deliver the product to the manufacturer, and that manufacturing is it efficient recycling of the element in many circumstances this law encouraged companies to make their products easier to recycle the law requires that at least 55 of all televisions discarded should be recycled companies like Sony used the mandate of the state as point of jumping to the law prompting legal in combination with the cost advantages of using recycled materials, Sony voluntarily developed TVs that were 86 recyclable.
In Japan, drivers must pay car manufacturers to recycle old vehicles The fee is to cover the cost of recycling of chlorofluorocarbons harmful gas used in air conditioners and airbags, and that is a motor milling byproduct fees could cost 7000 18 000 yen 65 166 USD Act automobile recycling enacted in 2005 requires auto manufacturing collection and recycling of designated end of life vehicles, and to improve the recycling rate to 95 of 80 stream the purpose of this law is to encourage automakers to make their cars more recyclable, resulting in more economical products for their customers and to counter the rising cost of scrap metal removal related to the car in landfills.

Japan is a country with limited land resources and a large and growing population there is little room for waste disposal sites and landfills also, because of their air pollution of the industrial economy is a important for both landfill and incineration tax the methods for the Japanese to manage their garbage They are so grueling in fact, that Japan is willing to pay for much of their solid waste shipped to landfills in other countries for the Japanese, an effective recycling system is out of necessity.
Recycling in Japan is huge in Yokohama, Japan, there are a total of 10 residents groups are responsible for sorting their garbage in In Kamikatsu there are 44 categories It is the point that cities need to distribute explaining brochures how to sort their waste does not comply is not an option trash is picked up every day and must be left to a drop off site in clear plastic bags so it is easy to inspect an army of volunteers to monitor Japan bags offend When they find one, they will seek it for any identifying information so that they can find the owner and encourage them to make better waste handling practices If the problem persists the whistleblower can cause all sorts of misfortunes as the statement of the offense to the authorities or owners report mentions that a young couple was evicted from their apartment due to poor sorting of waste.

Recycling in Japan Appropedia Sustainability wiki, recycling, Japan.