Saturday, May 7, 2016

US auto loan for a car in Japan GaijinPot Forums

Global coverage News on Bloomberg TV

I approved of my cash for a car loan 20k if I decided I like the area where I'm going and want recontract and stay for a few years.
A heart for car guys, I'd pick up a S2k Skyline Fairlady, but not more than 05 in a 06 preferably as appropriate.
I talked to the bank about it and asked if I made an unsecured loan instead, but they said it is difficult to 20k unsecured loans as it's not guaranteed, but the loan self is no problem if they can see what they can work on a personal loan if I can not get the information for the car loan, but they do not know how to hold the title or if it is possible.
I spoke to the DMV and the Department of Trade and nobody knows.
So is it possible to buy a car in Japan with an auto loan through a US bank, I realize that it may be another state to state, but mostly I need to know what the Japan would do with the privilege card as provided supply my credit union with a form or other proof that the body is the de facto owner of the vehicle.
Well, I do not think 20K gets you a model 06 to one of your desired car in the first place - perhaps a high mileage horizon 250, perhaps.

I think you would have a real hard time with many things to my road tax is part of my car loan - maybe doesn t need to be, but perhaps longer, we hope that you know you have to prove you have a parking space registered 2km from the address of your CRA How would this work if the title holder lives in a different country, I do not know.
Does your US bank someone who can deal with all documents exclusively in Japanese.
If you intend to have a car here, why do not you get here the car loan.
Well, I do not think 20K gets you a model 06 to one of your desired car in the first place - perhaps a high mileage horizon 250, perhaps.

I think you would have a real hard time with many things to my road tax is part of my car loan - maybe doesn t need to be, but perhaps longer, we hope that you know you have to prove you have a parking space registered 2km from the address of your CRA How would this work if the title holder lives in a different country, I do not know.
Does your US bank someone who can deal with all documents exclusively in Japanese.
If you intend to have a car here, why do not you get here the car loan.
20k is in addition to a down payment to ensure that I never backwards.
I have a place to park where I go available for 4000 yen month, and I am also aware shaken etc.
The bank AFAIK really just need something showing as the holder of the vehicle, that US romaji shouldn t be too difficult for my bank to see on the way to accept that they are the owner, I guess.

I guarantee that no one give me, a stranger with no credit history in Japan on a temporary appointment for a loan JET If they 20k, I would definitely go this route to make things easy.
I do not know exactly what my tax is another road that is pretty high because my car has a big V8.
I would t be sure that nobody will give a car loan to someone who has just arrived - I'm in my first month of arrival and was a 1 year visa, but a long-term mission I work for a multinational, though, so may have something to do with it.
I do not know they type the name in romaji on the title, like officialdom katakana foreign words a lot of time.
Again - I do not know all this of course, but I play a little devil's advocate to show you what some of the potential obstacles could be I have a friend in the auto sector here who might be able answer - but I think I remember Bsing with him on this before and thought he wasn t possible I could remember wrong, however.

Yep, good ol card abroad I will be getting mine and my Hanko in a few weeks when I cross the pond.
Thank you for your help and if you could ask someone Japanese about it, I would be grateful - I have not found someone who is still but I know there must be someone who s bought a car in Japan with American foreign bank loan --what if I can not do it sucks is that I have already been approved for the 20k, money is not a problem - let J-bureaucracy to trample the plan.
If you don t inquisitive mind who your bank and how much did you borrow.
there are also legitimate English speaking merchants that specialize in catering to expatriates in Japan.
It will not happen laws governing loans and non-payment of loans are different Your bank between America and Japan will not be able to repossess your car and sell it if you default on your loan.
You need to get an unsecured loan, line of credit or any other means of payment In my case, I used a credit card for the entire purchase and transferred the balance to a card with had 1 September 's life balance transfer offers He was a better deal than what I could get from any bank or finance company.

Agreeing with Frontman Too many legal obstacles Repo in a foreign country.
Regarding local contacts English dealers I saw these guys announced in various publications such as ACCJ Journal and Metropolis.
Despite their name, I believe they can arrange for the purchase of cars.
Warning t can be worn personally vouch for these companies.

US auto loan for a car in Japan GaijinPot Forums, american, auto, loan.