Sunday, May 22, 2016

BAJ Website car batteries recycling system

Lead Battery Recycling Plant

Promote recycling to protect the environment and efficient use of natural resources.
In recent years, the protection of the environment for future generations has become an important question is the need to recycle our limited natural resources to effectively use their turn, society becomes increasingly concerned about these issues, and the government introduced stricter laws and regulations regarding them.
With the remarkable economic growth and improved quality of life that we have achieved over the last century, the car has become an indispensable mode of transport in our daily lives All car battery manufacturers, which are essential features of the car are working to extend the life and improve the quality of their products and to develop batteries that can be used without security problems when lead-acid batteries used in cars died, throwing them with ordinary waste not suitable the point of view of the efficient use of natural resources and environmental protection in fact, such a measure is contrary to waste management and the right to public cleanliness of the law the following information is intended for stores battery and other distributors to promote understanding, coopérati you and support to ensure that waste lead batteries can be recycled in accordance with the law.
Implementation of a trading system in the entire sector for the proper disposal of batteries.

The law also stipulates the cooperation of business organizations Article 6-3 and, since June 1994, the storage battery manufacturers have been requested by both the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Commerce international and industry to ensure the proper disposal of used batteries articles requiring manipulation Article 19-2, business owners may be required to take the necessary measures.
The requirement calls for actions needed to ensure proper disposal Article 19-2 of the law.
As for battery lead acid for cars and motorcycles efforts must be made to collect and dispose, to widen roads collection and the publicity that these batteries can be exchanged free of charge in shops and other outlets sale.
The stores should be informed that the batteries will be collected free of charge by the member companies of the Japan Association battery BAJ March 1994, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ordinance of the office of environmental health 244 June 1994, Department of International Trade and Industry, machines and office information Ordinance 203 industries.
To meet this formal requirement, issued battery manufacturers a notification in March 1994 stores and other outlets accept storage batteries used for free, and in October 1994 announced the recycling program as the storage battery manufacturers have worked to set up the necessary infrastructure for recycling, the recycling operations have been implemented.
The storage battery manufacturers implemented a policy of acting as the main party responsible for the collection of used car batteries, and actively promote the collection of batteries, collecting the number of batteries for selling and figures purchasing recycled lead to match the amount received They introduced the trading system for disposal of the battery and are expanding recycling activities in the text above, car batteries include storage batteries lead for two-wheeled vehicles.

Storage Battery manufacturers collection and recycling of used batteries of cars through the exchange system.
BAJ provides under the direction of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, the disposal of waste car batteries by the adoption of the exchange system, a system in which the storage battery manufacturers also act as an 'landfill organizations using reverse distribution collect used batteries from cars accepted in stores for free for end users.
What is the trading scheme for the storage battery manufacturers acting as waste discharge qu'organisations The exchange system is a recycling system in which manufacturers storage batteries are also waste discharge organizations and use reverse distribution to collect and dispose of used batteries in cars sold by the public without charge.
Organizational recycling exchange system in which lead storage battery manufacturers are the waste disposal organizations.

Stores that support the lead recycling program offered by BAJ in October 1994 and those of car and motorcycle batteries, especially those that have agreed to cooperate to receive used batteries general users for free.
recycling cooperatives stores display this sticker.
Recycling of stores that can receive over a predetermined number of commercial car batteries to general users, as required by battery manufacturers.
When the shipping point has collected a predetermined number of trade in batteries, they communicate with one participant battery manufacturer, which organizes a transport company under contract to come pick up the batteries.
Stores other than shipping points must return the batteries used car for free to their wholesaler sales representative or agency representative when they reorder new products Authorization for the collection and transport companies wholesalers, agent Commercial or representative body is not necessary.
Accept-ins commercial and collection and transportation of used batteries free of charge as a commercial practice in the sale of new products does not require permission to collect or transport What is written in paragraph 10 Other 2 in September 29 2000 Ministry of health and welfare, Office of environmental health, Division of industrial wastes reviews 79 titled industrial waste treatment operation and treatment of industrial waste specially controlled delivery and industrial processing of approval of waste facilities here, the law authorizes trade.

Treatment used car batteries in accordance with law.
Battery storage manufacturers must conclude contracts with qualified companies for the collection, transportation and disposal of used automotive batteries collected by trade.
A working manifesto that can be used to follow the proper disposal must be issued and used.

BAJ website recycling system for car batteries, battery, recycling, system, storage battery manufacturers.