Thursday, May 5, 2016

Recycling Aluminum The Aluminum Association

Melting cans with Mini Metal Foundry

across the United States to advance their businesses competitive advantage through the use of aluminum recyclable and durable metal 100 percent sustainability of aluminum is at the forefront of creating competitive business advantages while providing product development advantages earning businesses and create jobs.
The cost-saving sustainability Aluminum is one of the only materials in the flow of consumer and industrial waste more than pays for its own recycling This recycling process propels activity quickly returned aluminum cans to the recycling bin store again and again in a real closed loop.
Increases Sustainable Jobs The sustainable nature of aluminum increases the size and the economic impact of the entire sector 161,000 workers directly employed in the industry and for every job in the aluminum industry, about 3 3 job positions are created elsewhere.
Towards energy efficiency standards Sacramento, California, Capital Region East End building was the first LEED certified building in California This certification was attributed in part because of a high performance, aluminum curtain wall that cools nonreflective the building naturally.
One hundred years of sustainable aluminum aluminum successful entry into the US consumer product market in early 1900, with applications in the aluminum foil and packaging In addition, nearly 75 percent all aluminum produced is still in use.

Aluminum creates competitive advantages for companies using the most durable metal in the world, for example in the packaging industry, aluminum cans attract the goodwill of consumers ease of use, safety, convenience, lightness and durability make it a favorite in homes across the Curbside country and community recycling programs highlight the value of the metal in the aluminum cans for recycling bins offer a printable surface that accepts effective coatings and paints a key advantage for the identification of the brand and the attractiveness of the packaging advantages of aluminum work both ways consumers and earning industry.
Recycling is a basic business operation of the aluminum in the US industry and Canada, the industry recycles more than 5 million tons of aluminum per year, most of which goes directly into the supply North America because the production of recycled aluminum is 92 percent more energy efficient than making new aluminum, the practice is both a business and earn more for the environment can be done industry believe it or not, an increase of 10 percent from the end of life recycling aluminum industry rate decreases of emissions of greenhouse gases by 15 percent.
Companies across the country include environmental objectives and sustainable development in their statements of Apple's business mission has pioneered the use of aluminum to create a sustainable and manufacturing process of the environment In 2007, Apple CEO Steve Jobs issued a letter recommending changes to environmental policy of the company to achieve a greener Apple jobs specifically encouraged the adoption of the aircraft aluminum company to improve absorption recycling at that time, the intended use of Apple increase the efficiency of recycling 9 percent in 2006 to 28 percent in 2010. this goal was exceeded the company achieved a 66 percent recycling rate in 2009 and set a target of 70 percent for 2015.
The increased use of recycled aluminum is an important trend in the industry Nearly 40 percent of the supply of North American aluminum is now created through recycling processes of secondary production This figure is up from about 30 percent in the early 1990s the environmental and economic win is deep production of aluminum from recycled metal saves more than 90 percent of the energy that would otherwise be required for primary production.

Recycling Aluminum The Aluminum Association, aluminum recycling.