life cycle of vehicles - Managing end of life vehicles PSA Peugeot Citroën
An international comparative study of end of life vehicles ELV recycling systems.
REVIEW SPECIAL end of life vehicle recycling ELV.
First online 16 August 2013 Received February 20, 2013 Accepted July 3, 2013.
Cite this as Sakai, S Yoshida, H Hiratsuka, J et al J Mater Cycles Waste Manag 2014 January 16, 1007 doi 10 s10163-013-0173-2.
vehicles at the end of ELV life became a global concern as automobiles became popular An international workshop was organized around the world to collect data and to discuss the 3R policies and ELV recycling systems, their history and situation present the results of policies and related programs, part of the recycling and waste management and case studies on related topics in several countries and regions, as well as the main points of comparison of ELV legislation recycling systems are established in the EU, Japan, Korea and China, while in the US, ELV is managed under existing laws environmental matters Since ASR automobile shredder residue has a value high heat and ash content, and includes heavy metals and a mass of non-classified fine particles, the ASR recycling is c onsidérés as very difficult country with a legislative ELV system generally set a goal for the recovery, with many covering more than 95 recovery to achieve this goal, more eff ciency in the ASR recovery is required, in addition to material recycling collection of metal components and environmentally friendly design was considered necessary for planning and manufacturing, and the development of recycling systems and techniques in accordance with these changes are necessary for the sound management of ELVs.
End of life vehicle recycling ELV automotive shredder residue ASR international comparison.
ELV vehicles at the end of life has become a global concern as automobiles became popular car ownership worldwide has worldwide is increasing at a higher rate than the world population has reached more than 1 billion units in 2010 1 This trend is particularly noticeable in Asia and Central and South America, as well as the number of cars belonging to the generation of ELV has also increased.
Since VLE consist of more than 70 iron, they have traditionally been negotiated as a valuable secondary resource, and recycling was independently conducted based on market mechanisms However, fluctuations in the price of steel waste and rising automobile shredding treatment cost the residues ASR sometimes pulled down prices ELV Thus, the management of ELVs in a legislative framework is becoming increasingly important at the present time, countries and regions to legislation on the recycling of ELVs are still limited, for example, the EU, EFTA, Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan and 2 especially in countries and regions where car ownership is increasing rapidly, it is urgent need to develop a legal framework for the recycling of ELV in addition to iron, base metals such as copper and zinc, and rare metals such as platinum and palladium are used in the manufacture of auto There is also a request for the collection of precious metals as secondary resources.
The treatment of ASR has also become a major problem even in countries with legislation and recycling systems ELV Although the ELV recycling targets are mandated under the laws of ELV, the achievement of these objectives collecting only metals is difficult and recycling ASR has become indispensable 3 recycling ASR is increasingly important in the total recycling ELV lately, as the types of materials are diversified ASRs due to the use of lightweight materials to improve energy efficiency, and promoting the computerization of automotive development ASR recycling technologies is urgent, because the treatment and recycling of ASR is difficult because it has a high calorific value and high ash content, and also contains fine particles nonsegregable May 4 heavy metals and flame retardants with organic pollutants s persistent POPs, often remain in ASR and can induce unintentionally produced POPs during the heat treatment process It is also the r Eason why recycling is difficult ASR 6.
This study aims to examine the characteristics and effectiveness of legislative systems for the recycling of ELVs in several countries and regions Furthermore, this study also intends to discuss the future development of ELV recycling systems by examining the characteristics of technical ASR and for existing 3Rs reduce, reuse and recycle.
A workshop entitled International Workshop on 3R strategy and ELV Recycling 2012 took place in Nagoya, Japan, 19-21 September 2012 The objective was to collect data on the 3R policies and ELV recycling systems in the EU, the United States and Asian countries China, Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam and Japan, and summarize the main points of comparison of data collected during the workshop included the background and the current situation of the 3R policy and ELV recycling system, as part of the recycling and waste management, the results of related policies and programs and case studies on related subjects participating guests were politicians or those who have relevant experience in waste management, researchers and participants automakers were Belgium, Germany, Italy, the United States, Australia, China, Indonesia, in Korea, Vietnam and Japan.
Global trend of automobile ownership and generating ELV.
car ownership, including cars, buses and trucks, based on 2010 records and estimated production ELV are listed in Table 1 Automotive exceeded 1 billion worldwide property in 2010, the EU and the United States States accounted for 50 of the total, each with 270 million and 240 million units respectively in newly industrialized countries such as China and India, the number of cars is growing rapidly It was reported that the property automobile in China has reached more than 100 million in 2012 17 another report provided car ownership to reach the world 2 4 billion in 2050 18 therefore take effective measures for the treatment of ELVs is an urgent need in the worldwide, particularly in newly industrialized countries and developing countries.
Estimates of the World State and National car ownership and ELVs country car ownership more than 10 million units and a calculated ELV positive in 2010.
A data from the Automobile Manufacturers Association of Japan Inc., 2012 7 The values are not included in the subtotal.
B Indicates the number of cars without owners in the previous year the number of new cars on the market this year number of car owners without, however, this year the world total is a reference value since the number estimated car delisted increase the number of cars with the owners of this year exceeded the number of cars for sale in the same year in some countries were negative the number of cars in Japan, which was negative, the estimated number of delisted buses and trucks was real values in 2011 on the basis Yoshida and Hiratsuka 8 for the same reason, the data on China was based on Zhou and Dai 9 again, the EU data has value estimated 10 EU25.
C. The number of ELVs was summarized from the data below The subtotal does not include the values of the EU, Eurostat 11; US Jody et al 5; Canadian Automotive Recyclers of Canada 12; Brazil Adcley Souza 13; Japan, Yoshida and Hiratsuka 8; China, Xiang Ming and 14; Korea, Oh 15; Australia Environment Australia 2002 16.
E subtotal VLE was multiplied by the ratio between the total number worldwide automobile owned and subtotal the number of cars owned by each country except Russia.
Generating ELV was estimated at 40 million, representing total four motor ELV property is defined as the unregistered car that is the subject of processing by appropriate recycling process in countries data on ELV generation are cited official reports in the EU Member States, Japan and Korea, reports on the number of ELVs are required in their legislative ELV recycling system, while many other countries are usually reported by industry recycling plays the main role in the ELV recycling process during this time, the number of cars deregistered in table 1 was calculated from statistical data, the number of deregistered cars was obtained by subtracting the number of automobile belonging to the end of said year the sum of new cars sold in the same year and the number of automobiles owned by the late the previous year A comparison of these figures indicate that in general, there are more than canceled automobil VLE islands This is because the deregistered cars include used cars for export, unregistered cars used in private sites, or cars illegally dumped as waste.
In fact, the generation of ELVs on the number of deregistered cars, while the latter is related to the number of registration and lifetime auto Moreover, the trend in automotive applications is influenced by the growth economic and auto market penetration level one auto estimate delisted in countries with relatively high car ownership rate stated in the EU, 14 million, 16 of 6 million cars were to be delisted in 2010 2020, respectively, the number of cars per capita 502 cars to 1000 people 10 These values were calculated using the rate of economic growth and the probability of the emergence auto delisted according to the Weibull distribution function is assumed that in several countries the difference between auto estimates deregistered and the number of ELV may be due to the export of automobiles deregistered 19 Yano said the ELV ge eration in Japan the number of cars per capita 576 cars to 1000 people by applying the life of the car to the Weibull distribution function 20 The calculation revealed that the number of ELV slight decrease of 4 2 million to $ 3 7 million in 2000 and will reach 2 9 million in 2020 and forecasts the trend on the property of the automobile in China, the number of cars per capita 47 cars 1,000 people are listed in table 2 21 in China, where the deregistered cars were traded in the market of used cars, and ended up running on public roads are also reported elsewhere, dismantled by the owners of cars themselves is often seen in China as a result, it was assumed that the actual situation of the ELV production and the reported number of ELVs by recyclers are 22 in Currently compatible, the establishment of a legislative framework ELV recycling system is currently in China, and it is estimated that the ELV generation will reach 99 5 million in 2020 14.
Based on the China Automotive Technology and Research Center CATARC.
The discussion revealed above the number of automobile owners worldwide continue growing in the future, as well as the number of cars deregistered However, we can assume that the rate of increase in the number of 'deregistered cars varies between countries because of differences in automotive prevalence rate as the ratio between the number of deregistered cars and VLE would be unique to each country, for example, Japan and the European Union, where one in two people owns a car, increasing the number of cars written off would be relatively small; while in countries such as China, where the car market is growing rapidly, the number of deregistered cars also increase Although the ELV management is needed in all countries, it is particularly important in countries and regions with the growing auto markets.
The flow of ELV recycling has proved to be almost identical in many countries, regardless of the existence of a legislative management system recycling ELV general flow in the legislative management systems in the EU and Japan shown in Figure 1 ELV recycling process begins with disassembly at this stage, the components containing hazardous substances such as lead batteries, mechanical oils and coolant gases are first collected, and recyclable materials and then precious materials for secondary use, including engines, tires and bumpers are collected in the case of Japan, the collection of refrigerant gases and air bags are legally mandated 24 the United States, voluntary collection components containing mercury, such as switches, is used during the dismantling phase 5 in China, the components collected in dem olisseurs are often resold or recycled as byproducts 14 weight ELV after dismantling are reduced to 55 70 original weight in the EU and Japan exhau stive A collection of material is important to reduce the amount of ASR and to avoid contamination of hazardous substances in ASR.
Diagram of the typical treatment of ELVs left EU, Vermeulen et al 23 Right in Japan, Yoshida and Hiratsuka 8.
car bodies at the end of the decommissioning process are made in mills The shredded materials are removed by air classifier, and ASR light is removed as a result, an iron and non-ferrous metals are separated by separators magnetic or non-ferrous metals sensors the remains of these methods are cumbersome ASR the percentages of iron and non-ferrous metal into a mass of the vehicle are in the EU 36 70, 50 55 and Japan, respectively, the amounts of ASR- heavy are reported is 12- 32 in the EU, and 17 in Japan.
In the EU, the ASR is in many cases buried in landfills end it was a similar situation in Japan prior to the enactment of the Act on recycling of end of life vehicles However, after applying said law, which mandates the recycling of ASR, the physical separation of secondary resources, the collection of slag by melting furnaces, and the recovery of energy have become more common as a result, it is reported that 15 16 components and materials are collected, and only 1 2 of ELV total mass is landfilled in the EU, techniques for the direct collection of the RAS was studied to achieve the target of 95 reuse and recovery by 2015 23 25.
Table 3 shows the comparison of the ELV management systems in several countries, ELV management systems presented here are classified into two One is the direct management system based on the law of the EU, Japan, Korea and China in table 3, and the other is the indirect management system based on market mechanisms and environmental regulations the US in table 3.
A comparison of the ELV management methods in various countries and regions.
M1, 4-wheel vehicles with a capacity of nine seats or less, including passenger vehicles; M2 capacity of nine or more vehicle weight less than 5000 kg; M3 vehicle with capacity of nine or more vehicle weight of over 5000 kg; N1, freight vehicle with a maximum load capacity of up to 3500 kg; N2, maximum load capacity of 3500 kg or more, the weight of the transport vehicle under 12,000 kg; N3, freight vehicle with a maximum load capacity of 12,000 kg or more.
In the EU, the EU Directive 2000 53 EC on ELVs was adopted in 2000. 26 It aims to control the production and disposal of automotive waste and improve environmental awareness among the parties involved in the treatment of ELVs, by promoting the reuse, recycling and the collection of ELVs and their components Directive is based on the subsidiarity principle and the extended producer responsibility principle 27 Under the principle of subsidiarity, Member States of the EU must establish their national laws on ELV recycling system Directive also sets recycling targets for the different stages Member States are required to respect the objectives, while car manufacturers and importers bear the recycling costs in the expanded responsibility targets producers that member states must meet reuse and recovery and recycle bin lisation and recycling rates are 85 and 80, respectively, in 2006; then 95 and 85, respectively, of 2015, the index of reuse and recovering comprises recovering energy in addition to reuse and recycling Therefore, in other words, the energy recovery is accepted up to 5 and 10 to the 2006 targets and 2015, respectively addition, the desirable rate of final disposal are less than 15 and 5 goals for 2006 and 2015, respectively.
In Japan, the Law on the recycling of end of life vehicles was applied in 2005 24 With the need to reduce ASR due to lack of final disposal sites, as well as prevention treatment and harm illegal dumping based ELV driven by fluctuations in the market for steel scrap, the act intends to file appropriate roles between actors together to promote sound processing and recycling of ELV 28 the law specifies characteristic component materials recycle, stakeholders who shoulder the costs of recycling and the development of an information management system recycling targets are determined separately for airbags, and ASR refrigerant gas, and not for the ELV in all Furthermore, environmentally sound treatment of fluorocarbons is required by law recycling rates airbags and ASR from 2015 are 80 and 85 respectively in the recycling of ASR, thermal recovery is acceptable and no provision has been set regarding its automakers a recovery rate of importers are responsible for the recycling of airbags and ASR, and treatment of fluorocarbons sound; However, the recycling costs are paid by buyers at the time of purchase, and these fees are deposited in the deposit entity To ensure the proper execution of rights filed, was developed a clear system electronic management to allow confirmation of the actual status of the ELV recycling at each stage of the process.
In Korea, the Act for recycling resources of electrical and electronic equipment and vehicles 30 was applied in 2008 Prior to this act, the Korean government had been using EPR Extended Producer Responsibility on its waste management policy This further strengthened law EPR policy, which evolved into the integrated product policy through the introduction of the insurance ecosystem of 31 Eco-insurance system requires both preventive and follow-up management of the first is to ensure environmentally friendly design and manufacture of products, so that it is to conduct environmentally sound waste management 33 under this law, the responsibility for recycling ELV is placed on all actors involved, including manufacturers, importers, breakers, shredders, the ASR recyclers and processors of refrigerant gas, and the rate of re cycling is responsible 15 the recycling rate is delivered as prescribed by Presidential Decree The aim of recycling materials and energy recovery is fixed to a mi nimum 85 in 2014, including energy recovery less than 5, and at least 95 after 2015, including energy recovery within 10 ELV recycling When the cost exceeds the price of the ELV, the extra cost is shouldered by manufacturers and importers Also, manufacturers and importers must provide information on recycling performance in the Company Environment Corée KECO, and these data are then transmitted to the government accordingly.
In China, the Regulations on the recycling of end of life vehicles adopted in 2001 created an ELV collection system in order to prevent accidents caused by the use of vehicles refurbished or surplus this purpose, the rules management involved the restructuring of demolition and improving their capabilities reuse of five major assemblies namely motors, steering, transmissions, axles and frames was banned to prevent traffic accidents caused by improper use these components in 2006, product recycling policy automotive technology was enacted, under which the responsibilities of manufacturers and importers to promote the recycling of ELVs have been clarified and the substances used in the automotive industry that will be controlled and bans were stipulated in the environmental review of this policy technique also sets the following recycling targets for ELV about 85 or at least 80 material recycling by the year 2010; 90 or at least 80 recycling by the year 2012 material; and about 95 or 85 recycling by the year 2017 Materials Regulations on Management ELV collection and recycling is scheduled to be released in the near future 21 In 2008, the Regulations Remanufacturing driver parts automobile was published in order to perform a test program on production of by-products from used components, including the five main sets This effort has helped to improve the recycling rate in the disassembly phase 14.
In the US, recycling of ELV is self-based ELV market mechanism was promoted by the Automotive Recyclers Association ARA Although there is no mandatory recycling target, the material recycling rates was reported to reach 80 36 More emphasis on environmentally sound management promotion in facilities dismantling or recycling system within an integrated management system in particular, dioxins, furans, aromatic hydrocarbons polycyclic PAHs and greenhouse gas monitoring would also be considered important to take sound measures for the control of hexavalent chromium and mercury and brominated flame retardants and phthalate compounds that need careful monitoring dangerousness 5 the ELV recycling program is subject to strict monitoring under environmental laws Among the s relevant regulations are resource conservation and recovery act RCRA, the Clean Air Act CAA and the CWA C lean Water Act In addition to the federal, state governments also impose their own rules So ARA broadcasts additional information to ELV recyclers on the latest environmental regulations at the state level through an electronic database currently 37 in most states, ASR is classified as non-hazardous waste and ends up in a landfill However, its potential environmental risk has become a growing concern 36 for example, hazardous substances such as heavy metals and brominated flame retardants in the ASR can pollute landfill groundwater.
At present, a region and five countries have developed a system for recycling of ELV legislation, the European Union and the European Free Trade Association EFTA, Korea, Japan, China and Taiwan Russia, India, Mexico, Turkey and Vietnam are making preparations for the introduction of such a legislative management system 2 and data added by the authors in Russia, although the law on recycling fees for imported cars was adopted in September 2012, this policy is also considered an act to protect its domestic auto industry rather than to promote the recycling of ELV 38 in contrast, countries that have no direct regulation of the ELV management are the United States, Canada and Australia.
In most cases, attempts to introduce a mandatory ELV management system to introduce the concept of EPR to the ELV management, and to make clear the responsibility of stakeholders The driving forces behind these efforts are the concern for hazardous characteristics of the ASR, the lack of final disposal sites and the corresponding increase in the cost of treatment of ASR resulting high cost of recycling ASR, thus exceeding the price of ELV in to other words, a legislative system attempts to ensure the recycling of ELVs that is otherwise released into the market mechanism in a country that promotes the recycling of ASR in the market mechanism, the ASR recycling cost is now so low that it seems unlikely that the costs of treatment and recycling in total exceed the price of ELV in Japan, the ASR processing cost is about more US 2 00 39 However, environmental risks ASR reportedly came to be recognized in the United States 36, which can increase the ASR recycling costs in the future in Canada, although no legislative ELV management system have already been set up, it may be necessary to introduce a mandatory system to implement measures to prevent pollution of the environment by lead batteries, refrigerants, switches containing mercury and mechanical oils and increasing operators with inappropriate treatment facilities 40.
Countries with legislative ELV system commonly set a goal for the recovery, with many covering more than 95 recovery To achieve this, greater efficiency in the ASR recovery is required, in addition to recycling of the component materials of collection and metals 23 25 It should be noted that Japan has set a separate target for the ASR recovery since the promulgation of the law on the recycling of ELV requires mandatory recycling ASR and requires users to assume the cost responsibility.
ASR's properties are reviewed research literature summarized in Table 4. As for minerals, metal ASR contains a high amount of inorganic materials and the amounts of Si, K and Ca are hundred Fe levels and Cu which constitute the body of the car and the electric components, are also present in small percentages further Cr, Ni, content Pb and Zn in ASR are high, the mercury concentration is 0 3 mg kg as regards the elements, the C content was highest -17 5 90 which may have come from various ASR polymers.
Regarding the organic halogen compounds, the amount of PBDE, or a brominated flame retardant, was raised to 110 000 310 000 ug kg The amount of HBCD, another flame retardant used for car materials, was of 990 5700 ug kg in addition, the amount of PCBs was highest at 78.510 ig kg as regards PCBs, low POP content is 50 ppm under the Basel Convention on the control of border movements hazardous wastes and their disposal ASR 105 can optionally be treated in a respectful way of the environment as waste contaminated with PCBs.
Although recycling of ASR is important for the overall flow of ELV, it is considered very difficult because ASR has a high calorific value and ash content, and also contains heavy metals and fine particles that are difficult to separate 4, 5 in this regard, recycling of ASR in the EU took two directions one of intensive dismantling involving the separation and collection of materials to the removal step; and 2 post-grinding treatment PstS involving collection ASR materials after intensive dismantling grinding step would reduce the generation of the RAS and its dangerousness Kohlmeyer 106 abstract both intensive disassembly systems and for different types PSTs materials Figure 2 it also stressed that the computerization of vehicles would be an issue to address in the near future regarding the improvement of recycling ASR with intensive dismantling, plastics and glass are subject to material recycling process, while in the PSTs, plastics are used in the heat recovery and glass ends up in the final storage sites as backfill material as regards the metals in the shredder light fraction SLF, their separation prior to crushing would take place during intensive dismantling, while in PSTs, they are separated from SLF According Vermeulen et al 107, although intensive dismantling would be effective in protecting the environment, economic efficiency is unr eliable because of rising labor costs and lower prices for collection of materials, where the application of PSTs is needed to meet European regulations.
Discussion points for the promotion of recycling ELV 106.
In China, although the reuse of five main components has traditionally been prohibited for safety reasons, the collection and recycling or reconstruction of these components as secondary products have recently tempted 14 also advancing mechanization and increase collection efficiency at the dismantling step can view 108 However, given the rapid increase in the ELV production and higher labor costs in the future, it may be necessary to develop a strategy to a mechanical milling process and for the management of 21 22 ASR.
In Japan, the thermal recovery of ASR is commonly practiced, and the total recovery rate is about 99 8 Although this is due to a recycling system that includes economic incentives and promotes transparency of information, the regulation allows the thermal recycling ASR mixed with other waste because the processing cost is shouldered by users, high performance processing is ensured, which is considered a major contributor to improving facilities for thermal recovery of mixed ASR in Japan.
In automotive design, greater fuel efficiency and improved performance running are for reducing body weight and computerization of control systems also, the development of electric and hybrid cars held at a rapid pace in order to break the dependence on fossil fuels such changes in the composition of vehicle materials have not only resulted in better quality cars, but also in the increased use of plastics in the vehicle use of rare metals and hazardous substances for iT-related components have yet ASR recycling difficult Kohlmeyer 106 summarizes the risks and measures against-supply for key raw materials used in electric cars in table 5 Kohlmeyer warned that by 2030, demand for the product tion of dysprosium, a rare earth compound, would become six times, and can cause significant environmental impacts She also stressed that the amount of copper that will be used by vehicle INCR would ease 25 to 75 kg, gold, silver and palladium would be despite the increased demand shortage to overcome these challenges, she suggested the middle and as a result of as effective and important long-term measures is to include electro -mobility as a sustainable means of transport, to develop an engine that is not based on permanent magnets, to develop a more respectful way of the environment essential metals mining, and promote recycling She explained that research in these areas is ongoing in Germany.
essential raw materials for electric vehicles 106.
assessing the comparative LCA lifecycle ASR recycling methods.
To improve the ELV recycling rate, it is important to apply appropriate techniques ASR Recycling This is generally recognized in many countries and regions 15107110 Although the techniques of final disposal, energy recovery and the collection of resources are implemented in recycling ASR, it is also important to apply the one that has the least impact on the environment.
Ciacci et al 88 conducted an LCA evaluation of five ASR processing scenarios lifecycle using Eco-indicator 99 Eco-indicator 99 is an integrated environmental impact assessment model developed in the Netherlands, which allows single rating at endpoint in the study, scenario 1 puts the ASR generated after the grinding process in final disposal; Scenario 2 collection nonferrous metals ASR rolled residues in final disposal; Scenario 3 incinerates residues described in Scenario 2 and other municipal solid waste MSW for thermal recovery These three treatment methods ASR are actually in practice in Italy Scenario 4 separates plastics for different types of waste described in scenario 2, using such recycled materials and puts the remaining residue in the incinerator and other MSW in the same plant as in Case 2 scenario 5 gasifies ASR described in scenario 2 to produce synthesis gas, then converting methanol synthesis gas scenarios 4 and 5 post Shredder PSTs technologies still under development, and currently there are no plants in Italy where they are ongoing.
LCA results are shown in Figure 3 Eco-indicator 99, the environmental impacts to the endpoint are first integrated in all three indicators, and weighted scores are then evaluated to estimate the Damage Score The three indicators adjusted life year DALY disability, the potential disappeared fraction of plant species and PDF m 2 years and the resources of the additional energy required resource, the surplus MJ score damage for the scenario 1 was estimated to be the worst of all scenarios DALY score for scenario 1 was high, which could have been due to the potential carcinogenic plastic landfill for final disposal for scenario 2, the health risk human should be the same as in scenario 1, while the non-ferrous metal collection process contributed to improved resource score score PDF was estimated to be the highest for Scenario 3, presumed to be due to the impact of the emission of gases from incineration In scenarios 4 and 5, the IMPAC t on resource consumption was largely avoided by the collection of plastic In scenarios with the collection of non-ferrous metals, resource scores prevailed over the other scenarios, although mining of nonferrous metals require large amount of energy, indicating the degree of non-ferrous metals collection process.
Graph showing the total scores of damage using the Eco-indicator method 99 to 88 each endpoint.
In addition, five scenarios were compared to European targets for 2015 under Directive 2000 53 EC ELV We thought that over 85 reuse and recycling rate would be achievable through scenarios April 86 and 5 9 85 8, more than 95 re-use and recovery rate, it is achievable by scenarios 3 96 5 6 97 4 and 5 96 4.
Vermeulen et al 111 conducted a sustainability assessment on four ASR processing scenarios using energy intensity seven sustainability indicators, material intensity, water consumption, land use, global warming, human toxicity, and treatment cost the four ASR processing scenarios were landfill, recycling and landfill, energy recovery and landfill and recycling, recovery energy and landfilling recycling process in this study included the iron series, nonferrous metals, and plastics separated depending on the short material 100 years and long-term evaluations were 60,000 years realized the impact scores of the evaluation categories for each scenario using the landfill as a baseline are shown in Figure 4 scores damage then calculated using these comparison scores of environmental impact scores in each scenario revealed that the discharge scored the highest goal, followed by energy recovery and landfill, recycling and landfilling and recycling, energy recovery and discharge, in descending order is estimated that the combined recycling with energy recovery would meet the European targets of 85 reuse and recycling rate of 95 reuse and recovery rate 88 4 and 98 5 for the first and latter, respectively These results on stroke indicate all the promotional material collection and energy recovery from residues would minimize the total environmental impact of recycling ASR.
assessing the viability of ASR treatment strategies, graphically presented together with the discharge 1,100,111.
The following issues related to ELV management in Korea were reported 15 At present, it is considered difficult to achieve a target rate of 95 after 2015 because of undefined makers the responsibility for achieving the goal , recyclers are insufficient and are unable to carry out its recycling and inappropriate treatment of ASR and CFC refrigerants that usually take place in the Korean recycling system ELV recyclers take responsibility for achieving recycling if TLV is an economic value on the contrary, manufacturers assume this responsibility if recycling has costs this feature on both sides of the system, it is difficult to whose responsibility is to reach the goal also less value or expensive materials are could be avoided during the dismantling process, as these components are a higher value are separated preferentially ends this trend to a lower recirculation rate in addition, it is assumed that CFCs are illegality lly released into the air due to the lack of facilities sound processing sound recycling would be difficult for small recyclers, since the cost of collecting ELV is more expensive, the cost of recycling would be costly if it is assigned to a company that adheres to the criteria environmentally Korean government recognizes that it is necessary to take various measures to achieve the target Table 9 2015, to integrate the responsibility of the ELV recycling system and to clearly define the roles of stakeholders Those involved in the recycling of ELVs in other countries and regions should study the experience of Korea on how it conducted a proper analysis and improvement plans.
The reform of the recycling system for a recycling rate of 95 in 2015 15.
Encourage registration by erasing the payer and the role of each body collection ELV dismantling Co, the responsibility for processing by the automaker.
In China, several problems on the recycling of ELVs are reported are reported cases ELVs can be found in the used car market and are used illegally; improper recycling processes that cause serious environmental pollution in the facilities; and illegal extension of the lifetime of a vehicle without authorization; and illegal These cases were refurbishing reported occurred in the absence of a complete management system 21.
In Japan, even if the target mandatory under the Act on the recycling of end of life vehicles is already achieved, some issues have been reported 112 First, a management system for distinguishing between a used car a VLE is necessary to ensure the delivery of ELV owner rebreather, and allow prompt action against illegal dumping or treatment, it would be desirable to promote component reuse without compromising vehicle safety in addition it would need to find flexible measures on recycling ELV system can still function effectively and address changes in the structure of the car, components and composition of the material and the emergence of new models such as cars hybrids.
In many countries and regions, the establishment of legislative ELV recycling systems has allowed progress in the management of ELV Yet many challenges remain to be addressed to achieve a better functioning of systems or to meet mandatory targets Table 10 summarizes the current issues of ELV recycling systems in countries and regions with the legislation on the recycling of ELVs issues at each stage of ELV recycling processes were shown the table also shows the direction in which systems ELV and technical management should be adapted in the future.
The challenges for the management and direction of the ELV systems technologies.
In ELV, improving the capacity and efficiency of dismantling and ASR treatment is essential, so it's of great importance to consider the usability of the automotive environment during the design stages and manufacturing Then it goes without saying that we must avoid the use of hazardous substances in the design stage, labeling and information sharing on decommissioning between related stakeholders are necessary to ensure the accuracy and speed during manual processes to dismantle the stage regarding the recent automobile progress, for example, computerization or reduction of body weight for safer and eco-car environment, it is necessary to predict outcomes stage ELV and integrating requirements from the perspective of the environment in the design stage.
During the decommissioning phase, the concept of the 3Rs, the waste hierarchy in a company of its cycle of materials should be a prerequisite detach reusable components and expansion of second-hand goods market is desirable, provided the safe and proper operation of second-hand goods can be assured to ensure the health and safety of the work environment in the dismantling facilities is also needed, which may require more than the industry's efforts to modernize in order improve the level of compliance management 3Rs, and the protection of health and safety in the work environment during the decommissioning phase could achieve greater efficiency and transparency by setting implementation of a management information system.
In milling and processing stage ASR, the potential dangerousness of the ASR can cause recycling processing costs to rise sharply order to clearly define the responsibility of the treatment cost of recycling, and to prevent illegal manipulation, securing the information regarding cost transparency is needed It is also necessary to see ASR as a valuable resource since ASR contains various depleted resources, the development of technology to extract these resources ASR is expected.
We compiled data on ELV recycling systems in the world and discussed the similarities and differences between systems In this section, we would say some of the key points in our study, the following four points require further discussion 1 how to respond to the heat recovery, 2 sighted by LCA, 3 how to manage ASR and 4 importance of eco conclusions for points 3 and 4 are provided in this section, however, with regard to questions 1 and 2, we only describe the results and discussion that our study can not always draw a clear conclusion, we clearly do in our future study.
Expected increase ELV with car owners culture around the world and the importance of promoting recycling of ELVs.
In the current situation where car ownership has reached 1 billion units in 2010 and is still growing, the ELV management is of importance in terms of resource conservation, waste management and road safety that involves lives the human motor is relatively expensive among the household goods, and its lifespan is difficult to determine the use of ELVs should be strictly avoided to maintain road safety therefore, coordination and cooperation between the recording system automotive and ELV recycling system should be set up to promote the recycling of ELV's collected as part of the 3R concept.
In countries and areas where the growth of automotive markets, creating ELV collection and recycling facilities is an urgent problem Basically, the ELV recycling process of dismantling, grinding and processing ASR However, various recycling techniques exist and they contribute to the efficiency of the recycling system, for example, the thorough dismantling would reduce the cost of recycling ASR It is important to recognize that ELV recycling systems can be modified to suit the situation in each country.
Countries with legislative ELV recycling systems and the importance of the legislation.
In countries and regions with legislative ELV management systems, such as the EU, Japan, China and Korea, although there are similarities in their legislation, functioning and effectiveness of their systems differ, however, the United States, where no direct legislation ELV management is the treatment of ELVs is strictly managed by environmental protection regulations, and it is currently assumed that the ELV recycling takes place at the same level as in the EU This is because the price of ELVs is relatively high compared to the cost of treatment in the future, any fluctuations ELV market prices due to changes in the value of the ASR as waste dangerous or an exhaustible resource should also be considered advanced and flexible measures are required in the design of effective recycling systems.
ASR management points, its value and its danger as a resource.
The treatment of ASR is one of the most important ELV management process The dangerousness of the ASR and its value as a source of dwindling resources must be addressed by international regulation on the ASR treatment should be more stringent in the coming years, as can be seen in the increasing demand for international regulation of brominated flame retardants, processing of components containing in accordance mercury with mercury treaty monitoring, control POPs unintentionally produced during the heating process of detoxification ASR with the applicable technical continue to increase in importance, too, the need to develop techniques to extract valuable materials from ELV is urgent because of the social demand for more most definitely for the conservation of depleting resources.
Measures to be taken regarding the evolution towards the computerization of new car models.
The car use has some impact on the environment Taking into account the protection of air quality, the control of gas emissions greenhouse and avoid the effects of exhaustion fossil fuels, new advances in computerization of automotive control systems and reduction of body weight may be provided This would result in higher composition of plastics and aluminum due to iron offset further non-ferrous metals such as copper and rare metals are used more frequently decreasing the iron content may possibly reduce the rate of recycling It can also be difficult to collect most of the rare metals by magnetic selection, and therefore the need to develop collection techniques after grinding process can be pressing would also need to offer flexible measures s ur ELV recycling system for new models such as hybrid cars and electric cars.
global flow of ELVs and the importance of the new comparison in the international framework.
The difference between the number of deregistered cars and STEL is strongly linked to the international market for used cars The difference in these figures is not small Meanwhile, in countries that import and use used cars there a lack of information and technology on ELV management or ELV recycling system is underdeveloped as new and used cars are globally distributed, it may be possible to reach a global consensus on the rules for ELV management systems and how they work at the national level in the future, an international comparative study on the recycling of ELV systems in a wide range of countries and regions are making efforts to share information and promote systems adequate ELV recycling should be pursued.
This work was supported by the Environment Fund for Research and Technological Development, Grant number K123001, the Ministry of the Environment, Japan.
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Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License that allows the use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author are charged to credit s and source.
1 Kyoto University Environment Preservation of the Kyoto Research Center.
2 Japan Environment Safety Corporation JESCO Tokyo, Japan.
4 Department of Chemical Engineering University of Leuven Belgium.
5 Federal Environment Agency, UBA Berlin, Germany.
7 Department of Industrial Chemistry and Materials University of Bologna in Italy.
8 Hazardous Waste and Toxics Reduction, Washington State Department of Ecology Olympia USA.
9 Department of Environmental Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.
10 resources Recirculation Center National Research Institute on Environment Seoul, Korea.
11 Union for the Scientific Research and the production of chemical engineering VAST-Hanoi.
13 School of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.
14 National Institute for Environmental Studies in Tsukuba, Japan.
15 Center for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime University in Matsuyama Japan.
17 Towa Science Environment Co Higashihiroshima Japan.
An international comparative study of SpringerLink recycling systems, international, comparative, endoflife vehicle (ELV) study vehicle.