Saturday, November 19, 2016

Crash Test Mummy

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A scientist thinks he's solved the riddle of the death of King Tut.
King Tut was only 9 years old when he became the ruler of Egypt 3,300 years ago the boy pharaoh, whose full name was Tutankhamun too tahn-KAHmen died only 10 years later.
Scientists have learned much about Tutankhamun since the British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered his tomb in 1922, but one thing has remained a mystery how Tut died.
Over the decades, experts have developed many theories, including infection or blood disease Now Chris Naunton, Director of Egypt Exploration Society, said he can finally have the answer they think Tutankhamun was killed in a car accident.
Naunton began its investigation, thinking back to Carter notes They said the body of Tutankhamun wasn t prepared as most other mummies for one thing, his chest was stuffed with linen and other materials then studying X-rays of Tutankhamen skeleton Naunton also saw that his heart and some of his ribs were missing Naunton perhaps thought they were so damaged that they were removed before burial and his chest was full linen to keep it from collapsing.

The question is what could have caused that much damage to the ribs and the heart of Tutankhamun.
In the past, some Egyptologists wondered if Tutankhamun died in a car accident Naunton decided to put this theory to the test, he asked a group of car crash investigators to use computer simulations of a number the chariot crashes They determined that if a tank had struck the young pharaoh in a way, it would have crushed his ribs and Naunton heart thought he had his answer.
Some don t archaeologists agree with the theory of Naunton They believe the coasts of Tutankhamun weren t removed from his body until thousands of years after his death, they think Carter's team removed the ribs to make it easier to transport the mummy's tomb other Egyptologists think the silent shores may have been damaged by another powerful force, like a kick from a horse.
Yet Naunton is at its conclusion At this point, this is as good an assumption that we have, he said But, he adds, I wouldn want to think that this discussion is complete.

Crash Test Mummy, crash, test, Mom.

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