Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Crash Test Lab

Volvo # 39; Crash test laboratory celebrates a decade of security - 1/2

You know you have completed this activity when you did the following- -You performed the laboratory -You have e-mailed me the LoggerPro file with additional files if necessary.
Introduction Safety belts have been installed in automobiles from Ford first install them in their seat belts in 1956 models are designed to ensure that the passenger part of the car and not just riding in the car one of the passengers of accidents that are not restrained in a seat belt will continue to move until they come into contact with something to stop them, as a steering wheel or Mastered passenger dashboard remain in their seats and become part of the drive system that gives the passenger a better chance of survival in an accident in the laboratory we will be simulating crash tests with unrestrained passengers to observe Newton's first law in action more information on seat belts.
You will need the following A sort of inclined board level, the dough all the dough will do, or even a leafy taffy will, all you can train and is a little sticky, a toy car, a fence, a rule or you can use the measurement function LoggerPro, video and LoggerPro camera.
You will configure the camera as shown in the video.

Once you have the laboratory set up you'll do an experiment where you change the elevation of your incline You will then drive the car on the plane with the dummy glued to the hood when the car hits the barrier model should continue before your job is to measure the distance that the fictitious travel the end of the ramp Record your observations for at least three different tests on three different heights and find the average for each turn in height in a formal lab report using this model for full credit, you will need to save one of your trials and use video analysis to find the acceleration of the car, the deceleration of the figure of clay, and the distance that the figure is made turn in the report and LoggerPro file in the same e-mail If you do not want on your video you can use this video to longueu r of the ramp is 78 meters.
Official Laboratory report using the above model include data conclusion of graphics and sound.
Tom Davidson, Box Elder High School, Brigham City Utah _.

Crash Test Lab crash test.